Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"TimeWarpedSpaceWarped" land.

Meaning of phrase "TimeWarpedSpaceWarped".
(When we smoke marijuana or cigaretetts or hass့ish or ganja or ေဆးေခ်ာက္ or a lot of mind-altering drugs, our sense of time & space is lost;
When we are attached too much to power or money, our sense of time & space becomes warped & we become power maniacs.

Shwezin U
THANKS for your mail. I will look into dictionaries for the word "warp" AND discuss with my teachers and friends. Shwezin U

Meaning of phrase "TimeWarpedSparceWarped" as i understand from my friends.

When we smoke marijuana or take a lot of mind-altering drugs, we perceive 1000 milesdistance(space) as 1 inch and 10 days as 1 microsecond (time).
OR Actually we live in 21st. century, but our thinking is like those of 17 th or 18th century.
In other words,our sense of
time & space is warped.

Is my understanding of the word "warped" ok ?

Please explain me.
Shwezin u.
30april 2012 mon.

from mandalay with love.

1 comment:

sayanyein said...

When we smoke marijuana or cigaretetts or hass့ish or ganja or ေဆးေခ်ာက္ or a lot of mind-altering drugs, our sense of time & space is lost;
When we are attached too much to power or money, our sense of time & space becomes warped & we become power maniacs.