Thursday, February 27, 2014

Actually we are not poor at all, poverty of spirit is the real poverty.

actually we are not poor at all, poverty of spirit is the real poverty.

မရိွ လို. မလွ ူ မလွ ူလို. မရိွ
vicious cycle of poverty.
this is a quotation often made by Rev. Ashin Einda Sakka alias u ohn mg.
Rev. Ashin Einda Sakka alias u ohn mg is grand father of blogger shwe zin Oo.
So, actually we are not poor at all, poverty of spirit is the real poverty.

A poor man asked the Buddha,

“Why am I so poor?”

The Buddha said, “you do not learn to give.”

So the poor man said, “If I’m not having anything?”

Buddha said: “You have a few things,

The Face, which can give a smile;

Mouth: you can praise or comfort others;

The Heart: it can open up to others;

Eyes: who can look the other with the eyes of goodness;

Body: which can be used to help others.”

So, actually we are not poor at all, poverty of spirit is the real poverty.

1 comment:

sayanyein said...

Food for thought.

မရိွ လို. မလွ ူ မလွ ူလို. မရိွ
vicious cycle of poverty.

this is a quotation often made by Rev. Ashin Einda Sakka alias u ohn mg.
Rev. Ashin Einda Sakka alias u ohn mg is grand father of blogger shwe zin Oo.
So, actually we are not poor at all, poverty of spirit is the real poverty.