Saturday, September 9, 2017

9 SEP. 2017 /Fundamentals of physics/ black holes.

black hole
ˈˌblak ˈhōl/
noun: black hole; plural noun: black holes; noun: blackhole; plural noun: blackholes
  1. a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape.
    • informal
      a place where people or things, especially money, disappear without trace.

      "the moribund economy has been a black hole for federal funds"

      Black hole - Wikipedia
      A black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it.
      The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.

      What Is a Black Hole? | NASA
      Scientific evidence shows that in the middle of the Milky Way is a supermassive black hole. ... Sagittarius A* is the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. ... A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out.
      What Is an Eclipse? · ‎Fall into a Black Hole! · ‎What is a black hole? :: NASA ...

      Massive black hole 100,000 times bigger than the Sun discovered

      An immense black hole 100,000 times bigger than the sun has been discovered at the heart of the Milky Way.
      The enormous void, which lies around 25,000 light years from Earth, could help scientists uncover the how stars, galaxies and even life itself came to be in the universe.
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      Supermassive black holes are said to fuel the birth of stars and influence space-time itself.
      According to reports, this newly-discovered black hole could rank as the second largest ever seen in the Milky Way.
      Despite its immense size, scientists have called it a "mini me" version of its super-massive "cousin" known as Sagittitarius A*.
      Each black hole is deemed to be the driving force of a galaxy's evolution.
      A black hole is a region of space that has such an extremely powerful gravitational field that it absorbs all the light that passes near it and reflects none.
      Studies predict there are 100 million to one billion black holes looming in the Milky Way - but only 60 or so have been identified so far.
      Japanese astronomers found the new black hole looming in a cloud of gas - 16,4000 feet above sea level in the Andes, northern Chile.
      Professor Tomoharu Oka, of Keio University in Japan, said the existence of black holes like the new discovery are widely accepted, but their origins remain unknown.
      This new finding could increase the number of other black hole candidates, he added.
      Ultimately this vast entity is set to make a "considerable contribution to the progress of modern physics".
      Despite their widespread existence, the concept of a black hole has only been around for 100 years.
      The term was not used until 1967, and only 46 years ago the first void was identified.

      The Milky Way - Imagine the Universe! - NASA
      Our Sun (a star) and all the planets around it are part of a galaxy known as the Milky Way Galaxy. A galaxy is a large group of stars, gas, and dust bound ...

1 comment:

sayanyein said...

The Milky Way - Imagine the Universe! - NASA
Our Sun (a star) and all the planets around it are part of a galaxy known as the Milky Way Galaxy.
A galaxy is a large group of stars, gas, and dust bound ...