Tuesday, December 25, 2012

New Year greeting to friends (Welcome 2013).

New Year greeting to friends (Welcome 2013).

Dear friends,

Because of jet-travels and instant communication via many global networks such as CNN ,BBC and Internet, the world seems to become relatively “smaller”, and looks like a “big village” where every event (big or small) is seen and heard by everybody.
The word “global village” is coined to describe this phenomenon .
Suitable culture for global village should be all-embracing ‘multiculturalism’. Definition of “culture” according to a dictionary is “all the arts, beliefs, and social institutions etc., Characteristics of a community”.
In fact culture is social glue which binds communities to live in peace and harmony.
The concept of ‘multiculturalism’ is invented for new world order.
I would like the reader to get a glimpse of the idea “multiculturalism” from a poem composed by a famous poet, Derek Walcott. Walcott is a west-Indian-born poet.
He represented his “identity-card” in the following poem:
“I’m just a red nigger who loves the sea,
I had a sound colonial education,
I have Dutch, nigger and English in me,
And either I’m nobody or I’m a one-man nation “.
He’s right.
The true poet is a one-man nation.
He was born and brought up in multicultural environment.
Dear friends, "globalization" is taking place at unprecedented pace and
accordingly we should adopt all-embracing culture.

From Mandalay with love.

U Hla Myint (Retired professor of Physics),
1964 Mandalay University graduate.

132,72 st. , Mandalay (Ph. 09 910 497 28) .
Saturday, October 04, 2008
26 december 2012.

1 comment:

sayanyein said...

Dear friends, "globalization" is taking place at unprecedented pace and
accordingly we should adopt all-embracing culture.

From Mandalay with love.

U Hla Myint (Retired professor of Physics),
1964 Mandalay University graduate.

no. 132,72 st. , Mandalay (Ph.+95 09 976451021) .
20 march 2017.