Thursday, April 30, 2020

1may2020# sayanyein #blood pressure

div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"

hla myint 09 79775 9016 /telenor 09 97649 3247)/Ooredoo
dr.min soe tun electronics 09404190119.

two-word prayer

•May 2, 2020sat
09 79775 9016 /telenor topup 5 000 szOo
09 97649 3247)/Ooredoo 3 000 corner 72&33st.

•May 3, 2020 sun
aam & mmtvisit afternoon.
•May 4, 2020 mon.
half viss sugar plus 2 tea mix plus 2 ice cream 2 000.
2:11 / 6:31


The most important #prayer we can ever pray is just a two-word prayer: "Thank you!"
Bruce Van Horn

Let each new day begin with new songs. Songs of hope, purpose & promise; of peace, joy & laughter. Songs that lift up the downcast. Sing!


hla myint /blood pressure
13apr2020 96/50(61)
14apr2020 106/54(?)
15apr2020 82/48/(58) morning
15apr2020 106/62(57)***afternoon 3:50pm
16apr2020 106 /58(50)
18apr2020 113 /55(55)
19apr2020 112 /60(80)
20apr2020 140/74(73)meter unsteady
21apr2020 105/62(55)
22apr2020 104/61(72)
23apr2020 106/61(64)
24apr2020 94/58(58)
25apr2020 95/59(67)
26apr2020 125/73 (58)
27apr2020 97/58(60)
28apr2020 103/61(55)
29apr2020 113/63(57)
1may2020 108/ 57( 55)
may2020 123/68 (66)
4may2020 92/56(52)
5may2020 117/65(74)
6may2020 90 /50(57)
7may2020 90 /48(59)

1:16 / 9:45

Ko Aunt Gyi-"Shwe Min Gan"
U kyaw
5.56K subscribers
Painting credit
Artist ; U Marlar

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